Thursday, September 19, 2013

Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes Does It Again

Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes does it again, from 1 to 300 this group of amazing woman and men have found away to help grant everything from food request to home make over's so it come's as no Surprise  to anyone that they were able to grant a terminally ill couples last wish to meet a WWE Wrestler. These girls have gone out of their way to not only create an opportunity for this couple to meet a WWE Wrestler but they are helping to throw this amazing couple that have been selfless and giving their entire lives an anniversary party to give them an opportunity to celebrate with their family and friends. On Sunday,September,22nd Tamye Haugen , Nicki Fahey and a group of members are going out to The American Legion Hall to celebrate this couples anniversary with them and see their delete as The Firepro Wrestlers come out to meet them and put on a show to help give their anniversary a special touch. The group will also be presenting the couple with a certificate to let them know they will be going with Tamye the following evening to Monday Night Raw at The Rosemont Horizon where they will have the opportunity to go backstage and meet some of their WWE wrestling heroes in person.  Tamye Haugen say's " It's unimaginable how ecstatic I am that we were able to make this couple's wish come true, their daughter Jamie Kellerman posted this wish on our page just moments after the page was created, it was our first "WISH" and when I saw it I thought how on earth am I going to pull this off and knowing at the same time that I would do anything I could to make it a reality. It wasn't easy it took us going out to talk to wrestlers in person, a whole lot of tweeting, facebooking and calling to make it a reality but that is what me and my amazing administrators Nicki Fahey, Lisa Brislane,Jodi Stone and Kristen Fraizer do. Everyone knows what goes on on the facebook page but not to many realize all that we do behind the scenes to get these wishes granted to make them a reality." Well they did it and now not only will The Altman's be able to celebrate with their family and friends they will get to celebrate by meeting some amazing WWE superstars as well.

That isn't all that they have accomplished in such little time though on top of countless wishes for food, clothing, furniture, birthday cards and gifts Tamye Haugen managed to publically get the word out about a particular wish that was close to their heart not only on facebook and twitter but also when Tamye was interviewed by Fox New's Chicago less than 2 weeks ago you may remember she mentioned Zachary Plant a baby who just passed away in July and his families wish to have his name on a plaque forever in The Ronald McDonald House. Tamye knew that mentioning Zach's story on the news would help but she had no idea how much and how quickly. Before the news broadcast Tamye asked Zachary's father Joe Plant how many pounds had been collected so far towards this wish. He told her 150 pounds, it takes 750 pounds to have a child's name placed on the wall. Her group created a flier, pushed a social media campaign and brought public awareness to this wish on Fox News and WGN radio and on Wednesday they seen the post from Joe Plant. He received a call in less than 2 weeks from the news broadcast the additional 600 pounds of pop tabs were turned into the RMH in Zachary's name and on September,28th The Plant family will be presented with a plaque certificate to honor Zachary forever.  " Tamye say's we may have helped but we did not do it alone, The Plant family, their friends, their family and many others were helping to collect tabs as well and no matter how it happends I cried happy tears when I received that call knowing we were apart of something so large to help Zachary name to be on that wall forever is amazing, I am honored that the family reached out to us with this wish and allowed us to be apart of it."

                                              Every day when I log onto my Facebook the first thing I do is click on Wishes & Heroes, I'm addicted I have to see what new post their are. Who is out there that I can help, who received help. It's incredible so many people coming together each and everyday and helping others in so many different ways. All the amazing things this group accomplishes like last week giving a woman a home makeover and doing it all with little or no money at all. Its one of those things you have to see to believe and I can promise you once you do it will change your life forever I personally have never seen another group quite like it. Tamye Haugen, thank you for creating this amazing Facebook group you are a true inspiration to all of us. Look for more coming on Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes soon, follow there wishes on facebook to learn more about Tamye and this amazing facebook group check out the video blog on you tube

Coming Soon: The Expansion-
Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes groups launching in more states, Tamye Haugen hint's about a multi-state expansion

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