Thursday, September 19, 2013

For Immediate Release: " Paying It Forward A Growing Sensation"

Paying it forward wishes & Heroes                

Press release

For immediate release

Contact person: Tamye Haugen

Company name: Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroe's  
Telephone number:219-844-2575

“Paying It Forward A Growing Sensation”
Hammond Indiana September,16th,2013— New pay it forward group takes Facebook by storm and helps to grant 100 wishes in just 18 days. Tamye Haugen a NWI area housewife takes Facebook by storm when she created a new group Paying It Forward Wishes and Hero's Chicago and NWI on Facebook just 18 days ago. Tamye always has had a passion for helping others and when a local person asked her if she had any food left over from a BBQ she had a few days before that she could share because she was hungry Tamye took to Facebook to ask for help. In just 24hrs after Tamye posting her request online close to 100 bags of food were delivered to both Tamye’s home and Mikes Auto in Hammond Indiana to help. Due to the amazing out-pour of help from others Tamye was able to provide this family and 5 others with food for a month. Tamyes need to help others didn't just stop there she created the new group Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes with the hope of giving those who are in need a safe place to come to to make a wish for help without feeling they are being judged for being in need and helping to connect them with others who have the same desire to help Pay It Forward  as she does and then it happened.
On July,30th,2013  Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes Chicago and NWI came to life starting out with just 140 members with the desire to help others and with those in need of help and just like that members  started granting wishes for school supplies, clothing, household items, food and necessity baskets, birthday wishes,rides to the Dr. or store, household help among others and overnight the spirit of paying it forward grew. Tamye Haugen founder and CEO  has since then grown the group to over 1000 members and with the help of members granted over 100 wishes in just 18 days . The group has also  received enough donations to start their own clothing closet to continue to help members in their community with clothing and other needs and each day the group does more and more and just continues to grow. Tamye Haugen say’s “ We have no intention of stopping as long as people are in need the members of this group will be around to pay it forward”
On September,5th Fox News Chicago came out to meet Tamye Haugen in person and the group has since grown from 1,700 members and 240 wishes granted to 2,300 members and close to 300 wishes granted. They now have 3 clothing closets one in Hammond Indiana, one in Michigan City Indiana & one in Romeoville with more coming soon. They are also planning on opening a Paying It Forward Store with all proceeds going to benefit charitable organizations and members wishes being granted. They have filed paper work to become a not for profit corporation and are raising money to file for 501c3 tax exempt status so that they can apply for grant funding to be able to have their own crisis hotline with a focus on suicide prevention as well as continue to help members in much larger ways. To check out their interview on Fox News Chicago you can go to
Member Nicki Fahey say’s “You know the more I look for things the more I realize how unique this group really is. Nobody here I believe will put you in a specific category by what you might be wishing for or what you really need. Everybody just comes together and helps one another however they can. The ladies who created this group are blazing amazing.”  
Nicki  is right unlike many other non-profit organizations which you have to meet a certain criteria for to be helped. Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes is 100% funded by donations and the help that is given one member to another and that is what really sets them aside from all the rest but that is not the only thing. Unlike many other organizations where if you need help you call, set up an appointment come in with all your paperwork this group is social media based with a group page hosted on Facebook for members to join ask for help and then members of the group looking to pay it forward can offer help to others in their areas. It is not all just members granting the wishes both Tamye Haugen & her growing crew of administrators, area managers and volunteers go above and beyond to not just administer the site but to also go out and contact and talk to others to help make their members wishes come true. Tamye is restoring faith in humanity one wish at a time and the trend is spreading. Tamye is being contacted on a daily basis from people all over the US looking to start a Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes chapter of their own. With locations already in Illinois & Indiana she is currently in talks with others about starting a chapter in Twin CIties Minneapolis as well as Las Vegas. Look for Paying It Forward WIshes & Heroes to expand and grow all over the U.S.
There are two wishes that have really pulled at the group members heartstrings and members are going out of their way  to do all that they can to help make these wishes a reality and bring sunshine and light into an otherwise sad situation and she would like to share them with us.
Dana Krisine states
“My friends son earned his angel wings after fighting cancer he was only 20 months... They are trying to get his name on the wall at the Ronald McDonald house! We need more pop top tabs to make this happen! Please help us make this family's dream come true! Thank you everyone for your consideration and time!”  Something as simple as all of the members pulling together to save their pop top cans and donate them to the Ronald McDonald house in this child's name can make one family whose precious child was taken from their arms too soon dream memorial for him  come true. Tamye Haugen and her amazing group Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes will not stop until they can mark these  and all their other wishes  as granted because they believe Wishes can come true when people work together and pay it forward.
On July,31st the group was created  and the first wish was posted by Jamie Kellerman Altman   who made this wish for her parent’s “ hi my wish is for my parents they are both very ill and won't make it another year my dad suffers from congestive heart failure and seizures and micro heart attacks he is eighty four and a war vet Vietnam and my mom has hardening of the arteries in the brain pier like a child because of pressure on the brain they will celebrate their sixty third anniversary on the twenty third of august i would like to make one of their dreams come true and help them meet some wrestlers please let me know if you can help”
 Ever since this wish was posted many of the amazing group members have been bending over backwards contacting everyone they can think of to help grant this dying wish of an amazing man and Vietnam veteran because as  group members and friends will often hear creator Tamye Haugen say over and over again “ That's what we're all about “ 6 weeks later on September,16th we are happy to report this wish has been granted and The Paying It Forward Team will be hosting an Anniversary Party complete with a wrestling match for this couple and their family on Sunday,September,22nd at The American Legion Hall in New Buffalo Michigan where Tamye will be presenting the Altman’s with yet one more surprise, Tickets to WWE Monday Night Raw the following evening with backstage passes to meet the wrestlers one on one. Tamye said “ When I first saw this wish it touched my heart but to be honest it wasn't what I had created the site for and I wasn't sure how I could possibly grant it and make this happen but just like any other wish that comes to our site I wasn't giving up on it until I could mark it WISH GRANTED and I beyond ecstatic that together we were able to make it possible I can’t wait to see the look on the couple’s face when we tell them about it.”
If this amazing group can bring close to 1000 people together to pay it forward and grant 100 in just 18 days
can you imagine what they will do as they continue to grow. 18 days in and they are already in a position to help members with a weekly clothing giveaway, starting a necessity drive to run throughout the month of September and a Holiday food and toy drive starting in October to help families in need. for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Group members are coming together to donate their time and service to help in anyway that they can, A group of men in the construction industry have already contacted Tamye about offering their services to do a room remodel for a family in need this fall and  details are currently being worked on to make this offer a reality and once again make one family's dream come true. The reason behind creating this group comes from Tamyes desire to not just help others but to show them that when times are hard and you are feeling blue that there is a safe place that they can come to ask for help where they will find people who care and are willing to help,proving once again that it doesn't have to cost a dime to help those in need it just takes a lot of heart and that is one thing this group has.
Whether you would like more information about this group, need help or someone to turn to when you are down or you are like the other amazing members of this group and would like to offer help and pay it forward you can go to
If you would like to sponsor a wish, sponsor a fundraiser or make a donation to this truly amazing organization you can do so by contacting the Pay It Forward group at the number listed above or you can PayPal donations to

Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes Does It Again

Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes does it again, from 1 to 300 this group of amazing woman and men have found away to help grant everything from food request to home make over's so it come's as no Surprise  to anyone that they were able to grant a terminally ill couples last wish to meet a WWE Wrestler. These girls have gone out of their way to not only create an opportunity for this couple to meet a WWE Wrestler but they are helping to throw this amazing couple that have been selfless and giving their entire lives an anniversary party to give them an opportunity to celebrate with their family and friends. On Sunday,September,22nd Tamye Haugen , Nicki Fahey and a group of members are going out to The American Legion Hall to celebrate this couples anniversary with them and see their delete as The Firepro Wrestlers come out to meet them and put on a show to help give their anniversary a special touch. The group will also be presenting the couple with a certificate to let them know they will be going with Tamye the following evening to Monday Night Raw at The Rosemont Horizon where they will have the opportunity to go backstage and meet some of their WWE wrestling heroes in person.  Tamye Haugen say's " It's unimaginable how ecstatic I am that we were able to make this couple's wish come true, their daughter Jamie Kellerman posted this wish on our page just moments after the page was created, it was our first "WISH" and when I saw it I thought how on earth am I going to pull this off and knowing at the same time that I would do anything I could to make it a reality. It wasn't easy it took us going out to talk to wrestlers in person, a whole lot of tweeting, facebooking and calling to make it a reality but that is what me and my amazing administrators Nicki Fahey, Lisa Brislane,Jodi Stone and Kristen Fraizer do. Everyone knows what goes on on the facebook page but not to many realize all that we do behind the scenes to get these wishes granted to make them a reality." Well they did it and now not only will The Altman's be able to celebrate with their family and friends they will get to celebrate by meeting some amazing WWE superstars as well.

That isn't all that they have accomplished in such little time though on top of countless wishes for food, clothing, furniture, birthday cards and gifts Tamye Haugen managed to publically get the word out about a particular wish that was close to their heart not only on facebook and twitter but also when Tamye was interviewed by Fox New's Chicago less than 2 weeks ago you may remember she mentioned Zachary Plant a baby who just passed away in July and his families wish to have his name on a plaque forever in The Ronald McDonald House. Tamye knew that mentioning Zach's story on the news would help but she had no idea how much and how quickly. Before the news broadcast Tamye asked Zachary's father Joe Plant how many pounds had been collected so far towards this wish. He told her 150 pounds, it takes 750 pounds to have a child's name placed on the wall. Her group created a flier, pushed a social media campaign and brought public awareness to this wish on Fox News and WGN radio and on Wednesday they seen the post from Joe Plant. He received a call in less than 2 weeks from the news broadcast the additional 600 pounds of pop tabs were turned into the RMH in Zachary's name and on September,28th The Plant family will be presented with a plaque certificate to honor Zachary forever.  " Tamye say's we may have helped but we did not do it alone, The Plant family, their friends, their family and many others were helping to collect tabs as well and no matter how it happends I cried happy tears when I received that call knowing we were apart of something so large to help Zachary name to be on that wall forever is amazing, I am honored that the family reached out to us with this wish and allowed us to be apart of it."

                                              Every day when I log onto my Facebook the first thing I do is click on Wishes & Heroes, I'm addicted I have to see what new post their are. Who is out there that I can help, who received help. It's incredible so many people coming together each and everyday and helping others in so many different ways. All the amazing things this group accomplishes like last week giving a woman a home makeover and doing it all with little or no money at all. Its one of those things you have to see to believe and I can promise you once you do it will change your life forever I personally have never seen another group quite like it. Tamye Haugen, thank you for creating this amazing Facebook group you are a true inspiration to all of us. Look for more coming on Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes soon, follow there wishes on facebook to learn more about Tamye and this amazing facebook group check out the video blog on you tube

Coming Soon: The Expansion-
Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes groups launching in more states, Tamye Haugen hint's about a multi-state expansion

A " Weekend of Wishes"


              Tamye Haugen, Founder & CEO is calling for what she is referring to as " A Weekend of Wishes" to celebrate the success of granting the first wish posted to the group.  It all started with Tamye Haugen wanting to provide a safe place for local area people to come to when they were down and out, feeling as if they had no-one and no-where to turn to. She wanted to provide them with friendship, advice and referrals to get help with the things that they needed. Most of all she just wanted other people who have experienced many of the same heartbreaks and struggles as she had in their lives a friendly place to turn too and show them that there is somebody who cares. 
 Tamye cares.

            Well caring indeed she does so much so that her creating a Facebook group with the hope of reaching a small group of locals has taken not just her local community but the nation by storm. She is inspiring others far and wide with her group and her giving heart to Pay It Forward and to help others in need. She has been contacted by individuals from other states wanting to manage their own Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes page and is in the process of  what she has been heard referring to as our expansion.  With close to 3,000 members and 300 wishes granted in just 7 weeks I wouldn't be  surprised in the least bit if this small community help group she created ends up groups in all 50 states by sometime next year.  I can definitely see why she wants to celebrate with " A Weekend of Wishes"Tamye Haugen,  Founder & CEO, Vice President Eddie Rachowitz and their administrative team that includes Nicki Fahey, Lisa Brislane, Kristen Frazier & Jodi Stone have been working overtime to make this " Weekend of Wishes" a reality. 

           Our " Weekend of Wishes" will start off by Surprising a soldier and his fiance who had to postpone their upcoming wedding due to him getting the news that he is getting redeployed with a romantic evening they can cherish and remember while he is away. The evening will start out with them being picked up in a limousine courtesy of  Stretch Limo Chicago and will be brought to McFadden's Chicago for dinner and then whisked away to The Essence Suites in Orland Park.
Meanwhile while this couple is out on their romantic date, a group of volunteers will be going to a members home and giving a family who has next to nothing a complete home makeover with the Surprise reveal on Saturday morning, followed by us preparing and getting ready to grant our first wish ever with an anniversary party complete with a Firepro Wrestling Match to grant a terminally ill's couple last wish, we will also be surprising the  with tickets to Monday Night Raw the following evening with a meet and greet schedules for them to meet in person the WWE Superstars. 
These are just a few of the bigger wishes that Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes will be granting this weekend but doesn't even begin to touch upon all of the wonderful everyday wishes that our members help to grant on a daily basis bringing our 7 week total to over 300 wishes granted and it all began with one woman's simple wish to help others in anyway that she can and grew with the love, dedication and hard work of the administrative team and members making Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes a blessing to others. 

           To find out more about Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes and " The Weekend of Wishes" contact Tamye Haugen at 773-530-5154  online at

Tamye Haugen of Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes Inspires an Expansion

Tamye Haugen of Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes is inspiring others all across the U.S.A. to Pay It Forward by creating chapters of her group in multiple states. Come Back Next Week to find out more about " The Expansion" and find out  if there is a Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes group in your area.

For more information about " The Expansion" or to manage a Chapter of Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes in your area contact Tamye directly at (773)530-5154