Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Paying It Forward

Wishes and Heroes


This organization was built on a strong foundation with one main principle: Showing love and kindness through helping each other  in times of struggle and helplessness .  We have all been there, and have all experienced these hard times.  This is our opportunity to band together, and create a positive and compassionate network of individuals who will help pay it forward to others in need due to similar situations that they have once been in too. Offering a helping hand up by encouraging and supporting one another and not allowing criticism, judgment or drama  into our inner circle.   By working as a unit, we are able to use social media to our advantage by networking and  pulling resources to ensure those in need in our communities , do not go without.  

While most not for profit  groups have specific criteria, or are directed towards one issue or demographic; we do not.  We work with each individual on a case to case basic verifying their circumstances and needs through communication. We understand that sometimes there are circumstances outside of our control that puts us in a situation where we need assistance of some kind of another regardless of our social or economical demographic. We do not discriminate, we help others because helping one another in our time of need is simply the right thing to do


Those who come to us and present with a genuine need or wish for a love one dealing with life altering circumstance or terminal illness will always be treated with the utmost respect and their wishes or needs will be given equal consideration and review and Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes will help in anyway that we can. If you are struggling due to life altering circumstances or a terminal illness and you  have a wish, any wish, we will try our best to see that on of our Heroes can help make that wish reality.

Paying It Forward Wishes & Heroes while offering resources to help individuals who are struggling due to life altering circumstances also  focuses on crisis prevention and crisis intervention often helping out individuals in situations of loss, whether that be of a home due to fire or natural disaster or simply loss of a loved one or ones self in a time of questioning of own self worth. Our Founder Tamye Haugen focuses on suicide awareness and prevention, mental health awareness, helping those dealing with adversity and struggling with the misunderstanding one receives from living with a silent illness. She inspires others by showing kindness and love to all who come to her in need by sharing her own stories of trials and tribulations. She is sewn from a cloth unlike any other, she has nothing to hide, makes no secret about her life experiences and presents herself as an open book willing to share with those going through similar struggles as she has or is going through to help them to understand that they are not alone. She is no different than anyone else in fact she will stand right by your side whenever you need her too all you have to do is ask.
Paying It Forward is not a grant funded charitable organization. Everything we do is done due to human kindness for one another, donations made by individuals in our communities. We do not offer financial assistance of any kind. All assistance that does come from our organization is second hand or through individual programs that we offer made possible by individual donations throughout our  local communities. If you would like to make a donation to Paying It Forward Wishes and Heroes you may do so by contacting us directly through our website or through paypal below.


Please feel free to contact any of us with any questions, concerns, wishes, or donations.